Vibrant Bible

Sharing the beauty of God's Word across the world!

Quickly navigate to a passage using one of the buttons below:

Browse to a Passage

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The Goal

Vibrant Bible aims to offer innovative ways to learn and enjoy God's word.

For now, we are focused on creating fun activities that can help people of all ages memorize bible verses, either alone or in a classroom setting.

Verse Memorization

We have created several fun activities to help you memorize verses!

Embed Activity

Our activities can be added directly to your website!

More to Come...

We plan to adding other fun activities soon!

Remember the passage as words disappear!


Recite the passage at the start of each round. The repetition will help with memorization even as the words are erased.

Erase Words

After reciting the verse, determine how many words should be erased, and then click the erase button.

Adjust Text Size

On a phone? Using a TV in a Sunday School classroom? Either way, the passage text can be resized to fit the screen.


The passage text is scrambled. Reorder the text to fix the passage!

Reorder the Words

Drag and drop the words in order to reorder them.

Adjust Text Size

On a phone? Using a TV in a Sunday School classroom? Either way, the passage text can be resized to fit the screen.


Determine the passage location as quickly as possible as the text is revealed.

Review Multiple Passages

Test your knowledge on the passages that you have been studying.

Self-study or Group Activity

Great for classrooms!

Adjust Text Size

On a phone? Using a TV in a Sunday School classroom? Either way, the passage text can be resized to fit the screen.


View a flashcard that has the verse location on one side, and the text on the other.

Flip the Card

Click on the flip button in order to turn over the card.

Adjust Text Size

On a phone? Using a TV in a Sunday School classroom? Either way, the passage text can be resized to fit the screen.


My Passages

Try it out!

Keep track of your passages, and organize them into groups.

Organize Passages

Create an unlimited number of groups to manage your passages.

Passage Group Activity

Start an activity for all the passages within a group.

Passage Group Activity